Pi Crypto Currency

Pi Crypto Currency

What is Pi?

Pi is a new crypto-currency, which already 9 million users are mining for free via their cell phones. You download the app on Iphone or Android and have to press a button once a day to continue mining Pi.

How can you participate?

If you click the following picture or my link minepi.com/blockchainguru, you will get to the homepage, where you can download the app in the corresponding app stores. You only need your cell phone to mine pi every day. There are rumors that with 10Mio users is over and we are now at 9Mio users.

Future of Pi?

The start is imminent, where pi can be traded on the Exchanges. It is rumored that the price could start between 10 and 30$ per pi. If you would invite more friends with your Reflink, you will harvest even more Pi. On average, without Referals, one makes about 600 Pi per year. Now you can calculate for yourself how much free money that would be.


Anyone who does not want to risk anything and wants to have the chance to get free crypto currencies without much effort, then he should definitely mine Pi. You never know what will come out of this currency. Remember, Bitcoin was also free for everyone in the beginning and everyone was able to participate until a huge competition emerged and you had to have bigger and bigger computers.

On the page www.blockchainguru.ch you can find more good projects, where you can also get Bitcoins for free.

Press the following image to download the app. You only get in if you get a link by recommendation.

Pi Network


Why crypto currencies are important for us

Why crypto currencies are important for us

Why crypto currencies?

Crypto currencies could be the solution for the financial problems of our society. The central bank has no control over Bitcoin and most crypto currencies. Therefore crypto currencies are a thorn in its side. Because our central banks simply print money that is not covered. Nixon removed the gold peg to the USD to finance the Vietnam War, so our money is no longer worth anything. Most importantly, the central banks print vast amounts of new money, which makes inflation higher and higher and you lose about 2% every year if you leave your money in the bank.

Bitcoin is inflation protected

Bitcoin is designed so that there will only be 21 million Bitcoins by 2140. More than 17 million have already been produced to date. The Bitcoin price has risen since its creation by over 7000%. There will also be fewer and fewer Bitcoins in the future as bitcoin production (mining) is reduced by about half every four years. Thus it is comparable with gold. The demand is increasing, but the quantity of goods is limited. So it follows logically, that the price must rise.

Bitcoin as world currency

Bitcoin was designed so that everyone in the world could use Bitcoin defined by the code. There are 8 digits after the comma, so one Bitcoin is 100’000’000 Satoshis. A Satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin, comparable with Rappen with the franc or Cents with the euro. Optimists estimate that at some point a Satoshi will make up about a cent, so you can imagine the potential that Bitcoin has. Then there will be some Bitcoin millionaires more than already now.

The advantage would be that if Bitcoin were truly accepted as a means of payment by the whole world and by governments, it would be a safe, independent and inflation-adjusted currency and would provide access to financial markets for a number of emerging countries. Bitcoin works as long as there will be the Internet and it is really impossible to imagine life without it as long as we are not hit by a meteorite or some other natural disaster.

Therefore I am optimistic that Bitcoin and CO. will remain us in the future still for a long time and now is exactly the time, in order to invest and also use into these crypto currencies.

Source: Why crypto currencies are important for us

Which crypto currency is the best?

Which crypto currency is the best?

In addition one should know that there are meanwhile thousands of crypto currencies and each Coin means to solve something else better than Bitcoin. Some may have an advantage over Bitcoin, but something makes Bitcoin simply unbeatable and will not replace Bitcoin in the near future.

What makes Bitcoin so special?

What makes Bitcoin the most valuable crypto currency is not the price, but since it was the first to exist it has built the largest field of participants. Bitcoin is so strong because there are thousands of nodes that make the network incredibly secure. It is truly decentralized. This is the inestimable value of Bitcoin. Other crypto currencies have a faster block chain or something better, but no coin has as many members as Bitcoin. That was not simply given to the Bitcoin also, but by years of hard fought circumstances of volunteers Bitcoin became that, to which it became today.

Bitcoin is really decentralized?

There are some coins, they have different consensus procedures and there you have to ask yourself how decentralized this currency really is? Whole companies are behind it. But with Bitcoin, no one is behind it and the network is defined in the code so that no one can control the network either. Ok, there are the Bitcoin whales who own many Bitcoins, but more than manipulate the price they can do nothing to damage the network. Bitcoin is and remains decentralized, no matter how many whales there are, but no one can shut down the network or manipulate the transactions.

Therefore, Bitcoin will certainly keep its value or rather continue to increase, since there are fewer and fewer Bitcoins with time.

Who wants the best Wallets, Bitcoin dealers, free Bitcoins and would like to experience, what the Blockchaintechnologie is is to look up on www.blockchainguru.ch. There is a lot to find there.

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