Bitcoin Rally 2020

Bitcoin Rally 2020

What is wrong with Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is only a short distance away from the all-time high of $20,000 in 2017, but according to experts, Bitcoin will jump way above that mark this time. There are various indicators where this supports claims. During this post the current value is already 18500$.

Is the rally comparable to 2017?

No, because meanwhile the big players are investing in Bitcoin, as I have already mentioned several times. The normal consumer is not yet among them and that will come, however, as soon as the media starts reporting more and more about ever new all-time highs. Then the normal consumer will also get back in, which is usually a sign that the market is becoming a bubble.

Is it still worth getting involved?

I think we are at the beginning of the rally and the price could go up to $100,000 and maybe even more and then suffer a strong damper again to maybe $40,50000. That’s what it was like in any case after the Bitcoin swung up in no time. But Bitcoin will play an important role as an asset in the future and remember that 21 million Bitcoins will be produced by 2140, with 18.5 million currently on the market. So 21 million people could theoretically own 1 Bitcoin and that’s it.


I would definitely still buy Bitcoin, because in my opinion there is still a lot of upside potential. If you are considering other coins, feel free to write me or leave a comment. Always remember that now still the crypto market is very small and therefore very volatile, but that will still change in the future when more is regulated in the future. But then the big players in the market will also recognize Bitcoin as an investment.

When I sell and then buy again can be inquired under Services and under Contact and I will then give a more detailed analysis. Especially for large investors this can be very interesting.

If you click on the picture below you will get to a very good crypto dealer, who also sells other coins and you can also trade. Have fun!

Crypto Dealer


What is DeFi?

DeFi is an abbreviation for Decentralized Finance and means that financial transactions can be solved via Smart Contracts. This means that you can invest mainly through ETH and the Smart Contracts do the rest. They calculate how much interest you get, whether the demand corresponds to the supply and thus adjust the number of coins distributed. And all this without an intermediary like a bank.

Is this safe?

Since everything is secured with Smart Contracts and runs on the block chain, of course everything is secured, but this does not necessarily mean that it always pays off. The market is very dynamic and one must already observe a little bit whether one pulls its Coins again from an investment, if the net yield does not yield any longer enough. There is a balance between lenders and borrowers and the Smart Contract tries to regulate this relationship in the best possible way so that the highest returns are achieved.

Which project has the best potential?

I decided to invest in HEX because this code is designed to get the most return on investment. The HEX token has made over 4000% ROI since the beginning, better than Bitcoin and Ethereum combined. I think that there is still a lot of potential in it, because you can strengthen (mine) the token and profit even more, besides the price increase. The longer you stall, the more profit you generate. If you click on the picture below you will be directed to the HEX Exchange, where you can buy HEX. There is also an affiliate system and you earn when someone clicks your link and stakes and buys HEX. So don’t miss this opportunity and buy this token today to benefit from its enormous potential.

Hex Exchange



The best crypto exchange

I have been a Binance customer for a long time, the largest crypto exchange in the world. I’m not exactly a passionate trader, but I must say that Binance has such a wide range of different coins. You can also invest in different DeFi and it also has margin trading, futures etc. It’s incredible what the app can do, or even the desktop version.

What I also use is the interest function of Binance. One gets 1.4% annual interest on his Bitcoins and other crypto currencies. That does not sound after much, but with the compound interest effect there already which comes together and also better, than if the crypto currencies lie simply so on the Wallet. Ok, they say you should never trust an Exchange and put your coins on a wallet where you have the PrivateKey. But I have to say that I still have a small amount on Binance to get interest on my Bitcoins and since Binance is the largest cryptoexchange, nothing can happen. The coins are also insured.

Conclusion: Binance is definitely the best cryptoexchange in the world and you get interest on your Bitcoins. If you still like to trade, then Binance is the best platform anyway, because it offers the best and biggest coins and in different currency pairs. If you want to save 5% of the trading fees, click on the picture below and you will get this bonus.

Happy trading I wish you!

binance 5%trading bonus
Binance 5% Trading fee Bonus


Buy Bitcoin, yes or no?

Buy Bitcoin, yes or no?

Bitcoin&Co. in everyday life

Bitcoin is meanwhile really nothing new and actually everyone knows this crypto currency. Most questions are whether it is still worth investing in Bitcoin?

One does not become rich overnight!

The persons, who are from the outset thereby in Bitcoin are meanwhile millionaires and paid besides no cent for the Bitcoin, since they mined from the outset. But even these did not become rich overnight, it took several years until the Bitcoin really gained in value. Today it is no different. Whoever buys Bitcoin today should not think that he will become a rich man overnight, but should think longer-term. I’m sure the Bitcoin will reach $100000 and maybe even more, but that happens intermittently and then in a few years. But I buy Bitcoins every two weeks (I have a savings plan at Bitpanda) and I am sure that in a few years I will benefit from it. If it goes down or up a bit, I don’t care, because I think longer term.

Alternative Investment

Bitcoin is certainly a good investment for the coming years and decades. The possibilities are certainly not as huge as when you were there from the beginning, but at least the potential to make ten times your investment is not bad either? I know from a reliable source that the rich have at least invest 1% of their assets in Bitcoin and they know why. They have the best consultants and sources and therefore they see a bright future in their investment in Bitcoin.

Yes or no to crypto currencies

Conclusion: Yes, I would recommend everyone to buy Bitcoin and even some other coins, but not with the expectation of being rich overnight. It is an investment for the next few years or decades. So make yourself a savings plan and buy some Bitcoins every few weeks. If you click on the following picture, you will find a good dealer with good prices and about 30 other coins you can buy.

A good dealer from Austria


Will the Bitcoin Rally start soon?

Will the Bitcoin Rally start soon?

Three times it was already so!

The last Bitcoin rally was in late 2017, where the Bitcoin price reached just over $20,000 and then plummeted to a good $3,000. Many people got in there and are still at a loss today, as long as they have not already got out and thus made clear losses. People must understand that Bitcoin will not make you rich overnight.

Soon it could start!

According to statistics, the Bitcoin made a huge leap forward after each halving and exceeded all expectations. This happened now three times after each halving and one could assume that this fourth time after the halving could be the same?

Of course this is written in the stars, but always about 6 months after the halving the price of Bitcoin exploded and if the halving was 20 this year in May, it should really start in October or November after technical chart analysis.

Time to buy: Always

So I am now stocking up on as many Bitcoins as I can, knowing that the really rich invest about 1% of their wealth in Bitcoin and the forecast for Bitcoin in a few years is $100000 and more.

If you look at the game of the central banks, nothing else can happen than our traditional currency goes down the drain, because the dollar has no value anymore, let alone the euro. It will be printed for all it’s worth and only people will have to withdraw their money from the bank at the same time, and our economic system will collapse. It is that simple. If people get the hang of it, a collapse of our traditional currency will be a clear consequence of this current monetary policy.

What I do…

So you can think about how long you want to trust this approach, but I’m bringing my sheep into the dry and besides, gold and silver is always a good alternative. But then physically at home and not on a bank. But of course I believe above all in Bitcoin.

Further exciting and informative things about Bitcoin and Blockchain on

Which crypto currency is the best?

Which crypto currency is the best?

In addition one should know that there are meanwhile thousands of crypto currencies and each Coin means to solve something else better than Bitcoin. Some may have an advantage over Bitcoin, but something makes Bitcoin simply unbeatable and will not replace Bitcoin in the near future.

What makes Bitcoin so special?

What makes Bitcoin the most valuable crypto currency is not the price, but since it was the first to exist it has built the largest field of participants. Bitcoin is so strong because there are thousands of nodes that make the network incredibly secure. It is truly decentralized. This is the inestimable value of Bitcoin. Other crypto currencies have a faster block chain or something better, but no coin has as many members as Bitcoin. That was not simply given to the Bitcoin also, but by years of hard fought circumstances of volunteers Bitcoin became that, to which it became today.

Bitcoin is really decentralized?

There are some coins, they have different consensus procedures and there you have to ask yourself how decentralized this currency really is? Whole companies are behind it. But with Bitcoin, no one is behind it and the network is defined in the code so that no one can control the network either. Ok, there are the Bitcoin whales who own many Bitcoins, but more than manipulate the price they can do nothing to damage the network. Bitcoin is and remains decentralized, no matter how many whales there are, but no one can shut down the network or manipulate the transactions.

Therefore, Bitcoin will certainly keep its value or rather continue to increase, since there are fewer and fewer Bitcoins with time.

Who wants the best Wallets, Bitcoin dealers, free Bitcoins and would like to experience, what the Blockchaintechnologie is is to look up on There is a lot to find there.

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